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AWS DynamoDB: High-Performance NoSQL Database

What is DynamoDB?​

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service provided by AWS. Unlike traditional relational databases, DynamoDB is almost schema-less, meaning you don't define a strict schema for your tables. Instead, you define the primary key and any necessary indexes, making it highly flexible for various use cases. It's particularly powerful when access patterns are well-defined in advance.

Key Concepts in DynamoDB​


In DynamoDB, data is organized into tables. Think of a table as a collection of data, much like a table in a relational database. However, DynamoDB tables are almost schema-less, allowing for flexible data structures.


An item is a single data record within a table, similar to a row in a relational database. Each item is a collection of attributes.


Attributes are the individual data points within an item, similar to columns in a relational database row.

Primary Key​

The primary key is crucial in DynamoDB as it uniquely identifies each item in a table. DynamoDB supports two types of primary keys:

Partition Key (Simple Primary Key)​

A partition key is a single attribute used to uniquely identify an item. The value of the partition key determines the partition where the item is stored.


AWS DynamoDB automatically manages database sharding, which distributes data across multiple servers for scalability and performance.

Use Case: Imagine a social media platform where each user has a unique profile. In this scenario, the userID can serve as the partition key in the Users table, uniquely identifying each user profile.

Partition Key + Sort Key (Composite Primary Key)​

A composite primary key consists of two attributes: a partition key and a sort key. The combination of these two attributes uniquely identifies an item in the table.

Use Case 1: On a social media platform, you might want to track multiple login sessions for each user. The userID serves as the partition key, while the sessionID serves as the sort key, uniquely identifying each session for a user. This setup allows efficient querying of all sessions for a particular user.

Use Case 2: For an e-commerce website, consider an Orders table where each customer can place multiple orders. Here, customerID is the partition key, and orderID is the sort key. This design allows for efficient storage and retrieval of all orders placed by a customer.

Why Use a Composite Primary Key?​

  • Multiple Entities per User: Useful when users can have multiple related entities, such as sessions, addresses, or orders.

  • Range Queries: Ideal for scenarios requiring range-based queries, such as fetching all sessions within a specific date range.

Secondary Indexes​

Secondary indexes allow querying data using attributes other than the primary key, offering flexibility in data retrieval. DynamoDB provides two types of secondary indexes:

Local Secondary Index (LSI)​

An LSI has the same partition key as the base table but a different sort key. It enables querying data with a different sort key and must be created when the table is created.

Example: In an Orders table, the partition key remains customerID, but an LSI can use orderDate as the sort key. This allows querying orders by customer and date, providing a sorted view of orders.

Global Secondary Index (GSI)​

A GSI can have a different partition key and sort key from the base table, offering more flexibility in querying.

Example: In a Posts table, the base table might use postID as the partition key. However, if you frequently need to query posts by authorID, you can create a GSI with authorID as the partition key and timestamp as the sort key. This setup enables efficient retrieval of all posts by a specific author, sorted by time.

Why Use AWS DynamoDB?​


DynamoDB automatically scales to accommodate growing amounts of data and increased traffic without manual intervention.

Example: An e-commerce website experiencing a spike in traffic during a sale can rely on DynamoDB to handle the increased load seamlessly.

High Availability and Durability​

DynamoDB is designed for high availability and durability by replicating data across multiple AWS regions. This ensures that your application remains operational even during regional failures.

Example: A global application can ensure its data is always available and protected against regional outages.

Flexible Data Model​

DynamoDB's schema-less design allows you to easily add or remove attributes. You can also store complex data types, such as JSON objects, making it ideal for applications that require dynamic or hierarchical data structures.


DynamoDB delivers single-digit millisecond response times, making it suitable for applications requiring fast and predictable performance.


DynamoDB offers two pricing models:

  • Provisioned Capacity Mode: You specify the number of reads and writes per second you require. This mode is cost-effective if your application's traffic is predictable.

  • On-Demand Capacity Mode: You pay for the reads and writes your application performs, making it ideal for applications with unpredictable traffic patterns.

Integrated Security​

DynamoDB integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained access control and supports encryption at rest and in transit.

Example: A healthcare application can ensure sensitive patient data is protected and access is restricted to authorized users only.